Monday, December 14, 2009

The Cutest Boys Ever

I didn't actually think these pictures would ever really happen. Teri and I had tried to set up a time 2 or 3 times and no times seemed to be working out. The craziness of planning for Ornament Exchange was in full effect and left little time for anything else. I really wanted to get them done after all we had found these totally adorable shirts for the boys to wear. I didn't think we were going to be able to find the time. Late Thursday afternoon call from Teri asking if I could make it to Phoenix to do the boys pictures at 10:30 on Friday morning. The Dodd cousins were going to have their pictures done but one of the boys had ended up sick. As much as I had to get done for the party that was it Graham and I were headed off to Phoenix to have pictures done. They turned out so cute and how could they not since the cutest boys ever were in them.

We also got some cute pictures with Mommies. No wonder those boys are so cute.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

These are a few of my favorite ones

We had our 2009 Christmas family photos taken. One of my friends sisters Jamie took them. I think they turned out pretty darn cute. The one that is on our Christmas card has not been posted. Hopefully you will get to see that soon in a mailbox near you. So here they are in no particular order some of my favorite holiday pictures of 2009.

Ohhhs and Ahhhs

Graham is already loving the holiday season. He loves to point out the lights on the tree and the house. He ohhhs and ahhhs over them all the time.

He loves to get the bows and ornaments off the tree.
Even the packages under the tree are fair game.Enjoy little man. You have already made this holiday so much more special just by being here.

2009 Christmas decorations

Every year I try to do something different decoration wise. Different colors, a new tree, new decorations. This year the color scheme ended up being brown and blue with an accent of gold. The blue ended up being teal but I really like it. The tree its self turned out elegant with a touch of whimsy and fun.

Of course this is mainly how the tree looks with all the bows and ribbons tucked up and out of Graham's reach. The bottom has a few decorations which spend most of their time decorating the floor around the tree. I am however glad that Graham is so enjoying his first Christmas tree.

The center piece I think turned out amazing. I did all white flowers with a few pieces of greenery. The gold sprigs added a bit of whimsy to both the flower arrangement as well as the tree. I took dried mesquite tree branches and spray painted them teal to tie in with the colors on the tree and did a chocolate table cloth. Hanging candles were added to the branches. It looked just amazing. The best part is I did not manage to burn the house down with them which was a bit of a concern.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Helping Hand

Sometimes a baby just needs a little help from an older, wiser cousin. Thanks Dakota for taking such good care of me.

Who needs toys?

For about two weeks after halloween. Graham had a new favorite toy. His trick or treat bag filled with Reese's and Snickers bars. He would carry them all around the house, toss them, chew on them, sit on them, and pull them all back out as soon as I put them away. Luckily they started to slowly disappear. (Daddy and I have no idea how that happened.) Next year I am sure you will get more toys and you can help make them disappear. Till then maybe you can play with your real toys or your food jars in the kitchen.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Force is With You

Deciding what Graham would be for Halloween this year was pretty easy. He makes this face that totally reminds me of Yoda. It is something he has done since he was just a few weeks old. He looked pretty cute in his costume. I loved his little green face even if I had to sneak in the bathroom to put it on him. Poor little guy was pretty tired though maybe next year he will be able to stay up later and enjoy it a bit more.


Obviously I knew Graham would not be able to carve the pumpkin with us this year but I never imagined he would sleep through the whole production. I drew the pumpkin's face on it and Tyler did the actually carving. I think it turned out cute. Graham did really like it when he finally saw it all aglow.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Fall Adventures

What an exciting and exhausting day. Teri, Dakota, and Dylan had come to Tucson for Nonnie's birthday weekend. We had quite the adventure. First we went to Papa's work. Graham and Dakota enjoyed watching Papa in the big tractor. Dakota even got to ride in the tractor with Papa.

Dylan didn't enjoy it nearly as much. Then we were off to lunch at Maynard Market. We enjoyed watching the trains come by while we ate our lunch. After that we were off to Wilcox and more specifically Apple Annie's.
We loved seeing all the pumpkins.

It was hard work checking out the rows and rows of pumpkins. We picked out some really nice ones.

We also checked out the hay, farm equipment, and sunflowers.

We had so much fun.

We also got to meet (great) Aunt Suzie and Uncle Gene for dinner.
At the end of the day we had 4 perfect pumpkins, one imperfect pumpkins, 3 pooped little boys, 2 exhausted mommies, and 1 pair of worn out grandparents. What a great day.