Friday, January 23, 2009

Things I do and don't want to forget..

  I am 37 weeks along today. Which means if I go into labor they would just let it happen. Over all I have had a really good pregnancy minus a few issues like kidney stones, congestion so bad that half my face was twice its size, nerve pain in my leg that has been going on for the last 12 weeks, oh and my feet are now swelling a bit. I have been very lucky no morning sickness and the only aversion I had was to a shampoo. I still can't even look at the bottle with out feeling sick.
  I have enjoyed being pregnant. The first time I felt him move was after I sneezed. He really didn't like it much when I sneezed. I had the hick ups all the time he's just had them a few times. Cravings no real craving except water lots and lots of water. I did eat a lot of popcorn. Mid pregnancy his favorite time to play was of course the middle of the night. Most the time I could sleep through it but occasionally he would play so hard that it would keep me awake.  One of my favorite things that happened would be when Tyler would come home from closing and I was in bed  the baby would just go crazy when he would hear Tyler's voice. I think he is going to love his daddy.  I also think he will like water.  In order to deal  with the leg pain which was worse at night I would take 3-4 warm bathes a night which always got him going. He has never been much of a kicker although he has gotten in a couple good ones here and there. He's pretty gentle even though he moves a lot. He doesn't like me to rest my hands on the top of my baby bump this really makes him move. Tyler and I will put our hands there just to get a reaction. We probably shouldn't mess with him so much but its really cute to feel his response.
  These are things I want to remember. Its been a very special time. I have been blessed with a good pregnancy. Now I am just looking forward to meeting my son and seeing him for the first time.

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